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What to do when your SIP returns turn negative

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Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) allow investors to contribute a fixed amount at regular intervals in a mutual fund of their choice. However, like any investment, SIP can sometimes yield negative returns, showing losses instead of the expected gains. This situation can be alarming, especially for new investors, and may lead to panic decisions not in line with one’s long-term investment strategy.

Therefore, understanding what to do in such scenarios is crucial, not just to stabilise your investment but also to potentially turn the situation around in your favour.

  • Table of contents
  1. What to do when your SIP turns negative
  2. Evaluating your SIP strategy regularly

What to do when your SIP turns negative

When you find that your SIP returns are in the red, the first and most important thing is to stay calm and to adopt a strategy that can help you understand the situation better. Here are a few things to do when your SIP turns negative:

Don’t redeem your investment in a rush

First and foremost, it's important not to panic. SIPs are designed for long-term investment, and the equity markets are naturally volatile in the short term. Nearly every investor faces such a situation at least once during their investment journey. Redeeming your investment hastily because of temporary losses could mean missing out on potential gains when the market recovers.

Compare the performance of the fund

When your SIP turns negative, start by comparing your fund’s performance with others in the same category. If most funds in the category are experiencing similar trends, the negative performance might be due to market-wide issues rather than the fund itself. It is also a good idea to compare your fund with those in different categories. This can give you a broader view of the market and help you understand if your investment strategy aligns with the current economic environment.

Understand what is causing the situation

To best understand what may be causing your negative returns, study the sector(s) that your SIP invests in. Sometimes, specific sectors might be underperforming due to regulatory changes, shifts in consumer behaviour, or other factors. Understanding these factors can provide clarity on whether the negative SIP is a temporary setback or part of a larger trend.

Choose to diversify

Diversification is essential when it comes to managing risk in investments. If your SIP is concentrated in a particular sector or category that is showing losses, consider diversifying your portfolio across different sectors or asset classes to mitigate risk.

Understand the risk and reward balance

Investing in SIPs involves understanding that risk and reward are two sides of the same coin. A higher return potential often accompanies higher risks. Acknowledging this can help you maintain a balanced perspective during downturns.

Expect the market to recover over time

History shows that the markets generally recover over time. A negative SIP today does not mean it will stay that way. Being patient and maintaining your investment can allow you to benefit from the market's eventual upturn.

Evaluating your SIP strategy regularly

An often overlooked but important aspect of managing your SIP investment, especially when facing negative returns, is the regular evaluation of your investment strategy. This doesn't mean reacting to every market fluctuation but conducting a thoughtful review of your SIP portfolio at least once a year.

During this review, assess whether your SIPs are still aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Economic conditions, market trends, and personal financial situations change over time, and your investment strategy should evolve accordingly. This might involve rebalancing your portfolio, switching to a different fund, or even increasing your SIP amount to take advantage of lower prices in a down market.

Therefore, by staying informed and flexible, you can make adjustments that not only stabilize your investment from further downturns but also position it for potentially higher growth when the market recovers.


Seeing your SIP investment turn negative can be disappointing, but it is a scenario many investors face at some point. The key is not to panic but to approach the situation with a calm and strategic mindset. By understanding the broader market trends, comparing your fund's performance, and possibly diversifying your portfolio, you can deal with the downturn effectively.


What should I do if my SIP turns negative?

Stay calm and avoid redeeming your investment in haste. Compare your fund's performance with others, study the market, and consider diversification. Remember, markets recover over time.

Is it normal for SIPs to experience losses?

Yes, SIPs, like any market-linked investment, can go through phases of negative returns due to market volatility. This is a normal part of the investment process.

How can I prevent losses in my SIP?

While you cannot completely prevent losses, diversifying your investment and maintaining a long-term perspective can help mitigate risks and improve the potential for gains.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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